How to hide receivers e-mail in outlook

When you are sending mass messages like newsletters, congratulations and other stuff via e-mail, it's good to hide recievers (recipients) e-mail address by adding them to BCC field.
So in this article I will explain you how to show the BCC field in Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 and Outlook Express. For easy understanding I have made screenshots.

How to hide recipients e-mail in Microsoft Outlook Express

Because it comes with operating system, I decided to describe it first.

Create a new e-mail message

Outlook Express - Create new message
First of all, you have to create a new untitled message, so simply click on the Create Mail

Add BCC field into the message

Outlook Express - Add BCC field into the message
In the toolbar, go to View and make sure that All headers is checked!

Finished, BCC field is here!

Outlook Express - BCC field
You have now BCC field for hiding receivers e-mail address enabled.
Instead of writing receivers e-mails into "To:" field, write them into "Bcc:" field.

Hide recipients e-mail in Microsoft Office Outlook 2003

Now let me show you how to setup Bcc in Outlook 2003 in three simple steps.

Create a new blank message

Outlook 2003 - Create new message
Simply click on the New button to create a new e-mail message.

Add the BCC field into the toolbar

Outlook 2003 - Add the BCC field
In the toolbar under Options select the Bcc field.
Go to the View menu and select the Bcc field

Finished, sent your mail

Outlook 2003 - Add receivers into BCC field
Now you can add recipients into the Bcc field. That's all magic! :-)