First of all, -moz-border-radius is supported in Mozilla browsers, and it works in Firefox 3.0 or later versions.
In previous article, I made a div, with background color and border, this time I will only use div with background color and fixed width and height, you can add borders later if you want.
So let's get started :-)
I will define div class named rounded, with width of 200px, height of 100px and blue background, this will be the basis for all other rounded corner divs.
div.rounded {
The preview of normal div:
All four rounded corners
This shorthand property will define radius of 25px to all four corners.div.rounded {
The preview of all four rounded corners:
Rounded corners with two different values
If you assign 2 values, first value defines the radius of top-left and bottom-right corner, second one defines the radius of top-right and bottom-left corner.div.rounded {
-moz-border-radius:25px 75px;
-moz-border-radius:25px 75px;
The preview of rounded corners with 2 defined values, 25px and 75px:
Rounded corners with three different values
If you want to have three different corners, you just have to define three values.The sequence of values goes so:
1. First value defines the radius of top-left corner, in this case 25px
2. Second value defines the radius of top-right and bottom-left corners, in this case 75px
3. Third value defines the radius of bottom-right corner, in this case 5px
Let's see how to define:
div.rounded {
-moz-border-radius:25px 75px 5px;
-moz-border-radius:25px 75px 5px;
Here comes the preview of three defined values:
Rounded corners with four different values
Like we did above, we can also define all four values, to set different radius for each corner, and the sequence goes so:1. Value for top-left
2. Value for top-right
3. Value for bottom-right
4. Value for bottom-left
div.rounded {
-moz-border-radius:15px 30px 45px 60px;
-moz-border-radius:15px 30px 45px 60px;
The values you can see above, here comes the preview:
Define radius for each corner
If you want to define the radius for each corner you can do it in two ways.One way - only top-left corner will be defined (15px), others will have radius of 0px
div.rounded {
-moz-border-radius:15px 0px 0px 0px;
-moz-border-radius:15px 0px 0px 0px;
Second way, you can define only one property, which are:
Here is the same trick like above, I will define only the top-left corner, others won't be defined.
div.rounded {
The result is the same in both ways, here is the preview:
Horizontal and vertical radius
Let's say, you want do define the corner radius, but want it to look like elipse. Simple trick will do the work, let's see.In this example I want only top right corner to be defined, and the horizontal radius will be 45px, vertical will be 15px.
div.rounded {
-moz-border-radius-topright: 45px 15px;
-moz-border-radius-topright: 45px 15px;
And it should look like this:
But what if you want to define all four corners with different horizontal and vertical value? I prefer shorthand properties, so let's have a look bellow.
The tricky part does the / character!
div.rounded {
-moz-border-radius:15px 30px 45px 60px / 7px 15px 22px 30px;
-moz-border-radius:15px 30px 45px 60px / 7px 15px 22px 30px;
Here comes the preview of all four defined corners with horizontal and vertical values:
That's all for today, see you next time when we will take closer look of webkit-border-radius, so stay tuned!