CSS Comments vs. HTML Comments tags

When you are writing CSS or HTML syntax, it's good for you to make comments, so in the near future when you will be updating your CSS stylesheet or HTML page, you will know what is what.
In someway, in the beginning you think comments are waste of time, but when you have multiple CSS stylesheets or HTML pages, you will find comments very useful!
Let's take a look at this simple syntax.

CSS Comments tags

The CSS comment syntax is very simple, you just have to remember it always starts with /* and ends with */, no matter if it is one line or multiline comment.
Let's take a look at the CSS example:

/*Image container*/
.img {
background-color:#DF0101 /*Red color for the background*/
/*border:2px solid #0101DF; Naah, i don't need borders right now, maybe i'll need them later*/
/*End of image container*/

/*One line comment*/


HTML Comments tags

HTML comments have much the same syntax as CSS comments, the only thing you have to remember is, that they start with <!-- and end with -->, and can also be multiple lines long.
Let's take a look at the example:

<!-- Here is a simple uncommented paragraph -->
<p>One simple uncommented paragraph</p>

<!-- Here is multiline commented paragraph -->

<!-- Multiline commented paragraph
<p>I always wanted</br>
to play guitar!</p>

That's all, see ya next time and stay tuned!