How to change Firebug interface language

As we all know, Firebug is a must have extension for all web developers, designers and for a lot of other web enthusiasts.
As I'm using Firefox in my domestic language which isn't english, Firebug automaticly detects the browser interface language, and you can't change it's language back to English.
For some people this is okay, but some just want to have Firebug with english interface. Firebug does not offer the option to switch language, so we have to make a little workaround.
This tutorial was made on Windows XP, but all newer versions of windows should have almost the same principle.
You can choose between two methods:
Change Firebug language by editing chrome.manifest and changing Firebug language by editing about:config which is available in Firebug version 1.6 and newest.

Free web fonts directory from Google - overview

Google introduced their web fonts from their font directory, which are open source, and ofcourse, free to use in any web sites!
In this article I looked a little bit deeper, to let you know how you can use them in your websites.
First of all, the web font directory became accesible to public on May 19th, 2010, and curently has 18 families, some sub-families and variants.
I'm the fancy Lobster font!
I'm from the Yanone Kaffeesatz font family

CSS Comments vs. HTML Comments tags

When you are writing CSS or HTML syntax, it's good for you to make comments, so in the near future when you will be updating your CSS stylesheet or HTML page, you will know what is what.
In someway, in the beginning you think comments are waste of time, but when you have multiple CSS stylesheets or HTML pages, you will find comments very useful!
Let's take a look at this simple syntax.

How to hide receivers e-mail in outlook

When you are sending mass messages like newsletters, congratulations and other stuff via e-mail, it's good to hide recievers (recipients) e-mail address by adding them to BCC field.
So in this article I will explain you how to show the BCC field in Microsoft Office Outlook 2003 and Outlook Express. For easy understanding I have made screenshots.

CSS2 - custom mouse cursor styles

If you were looking how to make a custom mouse cursor, you have come to the right place. Let's say you want to make your page a little bit stylish or just looking to updgrade some CSS2 knowledge about cursor styles, take a look and there's gotta be something for you. For every cursor style, you can copy the code and use it for yourself!
This time I will not define them in custom CSS stylesheet or in between style tags, but I will define and use them in element span, you can also use p, a, h1, h2, img and so on, it's your decision!
If you want to use them multiple times on site, it's better to define them in CSS.
This cursor property is supported in Internet Explorer, Mozilla, Opera, Google Chrome and Safari.

CSS3 - rounded corners -moz-border-radius

Last time, I was talking about rounded corners in article CSS3 - rounded corners - How To, now I think it's time to get a little bit deeper and explain something about property -moz-border-radius, so you can see what is capable of.
First of all, -moz-border-radius is supported in Mozilla browsers, and it works in Firefox 3.0 or later versions.
In previous article, I made a div, with background color and border, this time I will only use div with background color and fixed width and height, you can add borders later if you want.
So let's get started :-)

CSS - border and background for image

Images with no borders on websites really look kinda old or outdated I think, so I will show you how to style your images with a simple CSS code, which adds border and background to image.
Let's get this party started :-)